Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Rally to Save the Garment Center: "Let's Not Lose This Area"

More than 300 people* gathered at the button on Seventh Avenue today to show their support for keeping jobs and businesses in the Garment District. The rally was organized by Save the Garment Center, an organization dedicated to saving NYC's fashion center. Robert Savage, president of Nanette Lepore, moderated the event. "Let's not lose this area," he pleaded, before turning the podium over to speakers that included Ariana Huffington and designers Nanette Lepore, Yeohlee Teng and Malia Mills. Read more about the event here and here. The following are some sound bites I caught. (I love it when are events are scheduled so I can attend them on my lunch hour; I would have hated missing this today.) 

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Garment District Dressmaking Supply Store Closes Doors

This is the kind of thing I absolutely hate writing about: another Garment District establishment files for bankruptcy. Greenberg & Hammer, the 91-year-old dress-supply company on Eighth Avenue and West 37th Street, closed its doors late last month. Signs the store was faltering were there when I visited it for the last time in the summer: supplies were low and no one was available to help me. Read more about G&H's bankruptcy here. If you're looking for dressmaking supplies there's still Steinlauf & Stoller (W. 39th) and SIL Thread (W. 38th).