(8/21/17) RIP Jerry Lewis
*Updated 3/8/15*
and again... 6/3/16... and still wearin' the shirt 1/31/18
and still... 2/13/21
Note: *On the evening of May 20 of this year (2016), I laid out my perpetual shirt to wear on May 21st. On May 21st, I got up, got dressed, and forgot to put it on... Now, it is labelled JUL 01 16, and I had to give it an alarm on my calendar, so I will remember this time! Ha!
A exhibit at the Guggenheim Museum in New York takes this idea in a completely different, more conceptual, fascinating direction.
Originally posted 4/1/13
You may already know that I love humor in my clothing. (Not my photo - contact me if any problem.)
One particular piece I just made was inspired by Jerry Lewis. He was rumored to have never worn a pair of socks more than once, and I was struck by the sheer impracticality and wastefulness of that choice. Unless, of course, he had a sock endorsement deal, and a free lifetime supply of new socks, which could then be laundered and donated to charity monthly. Then, that kinda cleans it up. Right?
Every now and then I get truly obsessed with a clothing-related idea, and, when that happens, I feel the need to talk it out. With anyone who will listen. So, I told some friends I was designing a "perpetual" shirt. Every time I explained it, it generated at least 10 follow-up questions, most of them starting with "But... how would you..." or "Why would anyone ever..." No one really understood why this idea was important or funny to me.
But guess what...
When you make your own stuff, the only person who needs to like it or understand it is you.
So there.
I've learned by watching cartoons, that when people or animated characters get an idea, they often experience that moment beneath a single, illuminated light bulb. Well, not in this case.
My idea hit me like this...
This image in my head helped me sort out a way to make this work. Look at my
other blog for sewing info, if you care.
Okay, so yes, I know what today's date is, and no, this isn't an "April Fool" idea. Really now, why would you even say that to me?
(*clearing throat)
Moving on...
So, since they say a picture is worth a thousand words, here it is.
The "perpetual shirt". It only looks impractical... |
Cotton stretch fabric from
NY Elegant. Why that store? Because I am only making this shirt once, I want it to last a long time, and their quality and variety when it comes to fashion stretch fabrics is stellar.
Velcro by the yard from
Daytona Trimming. Why that store? Because I know they sell it by the yard, the prices are wonderfully reasonable, I find the store very easy to navigate, and getting quick, courteous assistance is easy there.
Silver fusible letters from
Jonathan Embroidery. Why that store? I happened to notice just the letters I wanted when I wandered in for another reason recently. Easy, and they had what I needed. For something as simple as letters, I'm well aware that there are other great choices in the district too, though.
Background fabric for letters from an unused fancy black table linen given to me by my son's occupational therapist some years ago, because she "knew I sewed, and could use anything"... how random is that? And, how true is that??? Ha!
And, hey, if that isn't true about Jerry Lewis, don't tell me. It's far more fun to believe it.