Taken from their Yelp page, (where similar comments to mine below were made) this is John C's own comments on his place:
Updated, with additional comments taken from John C's (business manager) Yelp page. I was guilty of giving similar comments, so I wanted to make sure that HIS words were here, too!
Dersh Feather's Quote below:
3/12/2015 Just a few corrections: Our elevator is small.
Our vestibule area is small and there are no feathers in it, just some photos and magazine pictures which Jay's wife sticks there.
Once you step out of our vestibule, our place is long and narrow. We are wholesalers. We sell as little as one feather, or one "string" of feathers (sometimes called a "bundle"). We do not cut the string. Our customers buy the entire string. Some strings cost ten dollars. Some cost thirty dollars. The photos on the walls of our vestibule are not of Jay or myself.
Some of our male customers do dress outrageously. A little skin may show. Nothing to be afraid of. Jay's wife would never hang a scary or distasteful picture. (Her grandchildren come here occasionally). Just thought I'd set the record straight after looking at this review, (and finding it amusing), for more than 3 years.
AND NOW we have a larger elevator!
Much larger.
We have moved to 144 West 37th Street, between Broadway and 7th Avenue. 4th Floor. Bigger, well-lit vestibule too. We moved in Nov. 2013 . . . because our old building is being torn down to allow for the construction of yet another midtown hotel. Progress. Ugh.
PS As of today, March 12, 2015, there is still no hotel where our former building stands, so they didn't have to rush to push us out of there. Where we are now is nicer than the old place . . . so no complaints.

I made this for a client a few months ago. Feathers can really make a garment so much fun!
Readers, here's the deal. There are many shops in the garment district who are run by second or third generation, hardworking owners. They are not like the business who try to woo customers with manners, sweet-talk, promotions, and fancy retail establishments. Visiting some of these places require trips in rickety elevators in old warehouse buildings, and interactions with angry, squinting merchants who would rather not speak to you. Well, that can happen in the garment district. However, if you an navigate these environments and develop relationships, you can find wonderful things, and create the projects of your dreams.
Now, sure there are plenty of places to find feathers, and feather trims. If you don't mind emptying your wallet at M&J Trimming, you can find some pretty exciting things. Chances are, what you find there will direct your design - not the other way around.
But... let's say you could just dream for a bit, and imagine glorious plumage surrounding a collar of a dramatic duster coat for a grand evening out? Let's say you want it to be turquoise. Can you find it?
You can at Dersh Feather. So let's say you just clicked that link. What did you learn? Nothing? Exactly. That's why you need to go.
But wait, before you go, you have to know what you want. You have to find a picture of something that looks like what you want. You have to know whether you want them sewn together in a flexible line (the way you would need to surround a collar, and develop your terminology. Do you want them dyed? Bring a swatch of the color you want. Don't make them explain things to you. Why would you want to do this? Because you can create something truly unique based on the design in your head and heart, rather than letting what you find in a retail store dictate that to you.</>
If you ask if they sell to the trade only, the answer is "Yes, primarily... but if you already know what you want..." (shoulder shrug) So, if you are a business, great. If you aren't, you can still buy.
Okay, so we've covered the getting what you want part. But here's another consideration. They are the importers, so what you save in markup over the retail stores (if it were even attainable) is AMAZING.
So let's say you go to Dersh Feather. It is NOT a retail environment. It is a very crowded room full of feathers, and a few employees steaming, organizing and sewing away. Boas hang from the walls, boxes on shelves from floor to ceiling... the words "fire hazard" come to mind. You will be greeted with suspicion, most likely. If you actually want, and are ready to pay for something, you will make fast friends. If you are a browser, the elevator button may be pressed for you to quickly make your descent.
Dersh Feather & Trading Corp.
25 West 38th Street
New York, NY 10018
Don't say I didn't warn you.