Long ago, I went to visit Kashi at Metro Textiles, fell in love with this beautifully soft teal knit fabric, and split the last bit of remaining yardage he had with Kyle (of the Vacumming the Lawn blog), who made a great dress for herself and wore hers at the Pattern Review party that same year!
Whew... just realized how long ago that was...
So, as I considered, reconsidered and rejected ideas for exactly what to do with my fabric, years passed. Just to pretty to cut into anything shaped or tailored, I feared not making the perfect decision, and not being able to get more fabric. So... I never did. Not even now. I made a mere two cuts to make this ensemble happen. Now, mine is a soft skirt/ scarf-like combo that can be multiple ways to give the fabric multiple lives (to be worn with a simple, close-fitting shirt underneath).
And really, more than anything, I really want to wear this outdoors with tights, boots, and a denim coat or jacket. We'll see where the adventure takes me.