Thursday, February 16, 2017

Layers - creative wandering


What have I been up to lately? Lots, in my personal life,  but while I've been doing other things, my creative brain has been in overdrive!

Lately, intrigued by technique, history, hand skills, and the thought of using different fabrics and fibers together to create radically creative and sustainable works of art, I thought to myself, "If my great, great grandchild could one day wear a jacket/scarf/coat I made, or cuddle under a blanket I've stitched, why wouldn't I create them?" 

Inspired by my daughter's experiences at an international summer camp right now, I am thinking more globally, and feeling more curious.

Enter the following thoughts/techniques/philosophies/ideas... (supplies for which can be found in the garment district) Don't worry about the languages, if you don't speak them.

TOHOKU STANDARD 02 KOGIN-ZASHI, Aomori Prefecture from 東北STANDARD on Vimeo.

Below, you need not speak the language to appreciate the beauty of what she has created using a technique called "Nuno felting".  Search the term on Pinterest, and you will be amazed at the beauty of what you will find!  Check out the video below, and don't worry about the language.  The visual is enough to inspire!

Where would one go to find the kids of supplies needed to attempt to create these beautiful things? 

Dyes: Manhattan Wardrobe Supply
Roving: School Products (note the recent move)
Silks: Lots of places (the maps will give you many suggestions)

If you are feeling the way I am, and your creativity is on fire, follow my lead, and start creating. You won't regret it.

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