Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Upcoming Speakeasy Tour dates in 2013

After seeking input from you (the readers), and other professionals, these are all of the remaining tours for this year (2013).

October 4 -
Speakeasy Fabric Shopping

A fabric store wonderland, featuring some of the best fabric stores the district has to offer!

October 18  -
"The Hard Stuff" (back by popular demand!)

FULL - no more signups for this tour

November 22 -

Vintage, Costume, Reenacting

With the additional expertise and resources of my expert touring partner, Cindy (her experience working on Broadway shows, costumes for the Metropolitan Opera House, television shows, pattern companies, historical garments and more), you are in for a truly delightful, educational treat!

December 13 -
Stock your "Sewcation"!

As winter approaches, plan to spend some cozy indoor time with your machine.  Find your supplies, get inspired and feed your creative urges!

This December 13 tour offers a "Bring a Friend" option! Add one or two friends for $35 each. Makes a nice pre-holiday treat!

Bring a friend

The day schedule for each trip is the same:

10AM - 1PM - 

Shopping (Will include a specifically selected set of stores with a wide variety of offerings suitable for many different purposes/types of garments, appropriate for the theme of the day's tour. Relevant additional information, suggested additional resources and appropriate on-site expertise will be available.)


Lunch (included in your fee)

2PM - until end of business day

Armed with your "Secret Map" and your own interest in or desire to visit the many other stores you see or have learned about, you may visit more garment district stores if you wish, and give unique codes (that you'll get from me) to vendors who will give special assistance/discounts.

The cost of these guided, efficient tours is $75 per person, or $90 per person for "Hard Stuff" and "Notions" tours, due to additional professional help and education. If you use this trip to shop and participate in what the NYC garment district has to offer, you will save at least as much as you are paying in supplies and education, and probably far more.

Wanna come? Click below the date you wish to attend, send payment, and the details on meeting time/place will be provided.

From outta town? If you need hotel and/or travel help, I will advise some of the BEST NYC secrets I know! Payment is only accepted via PayPal (you do not need a Paypal account), credit or debit card. No cash, personal checks, or additional payments will be accepted on the day of the tour. The trip will involve a good amount of walking, so come prepared in weather-appropriate gear, and healthy.

Regarding cancellations:
 If you have paid and wish to cancel 7 days or more before date - 100% refund
 Fewer than 7 days - 50% refund
 If you don't come on the scheduled date or cancel within 24 hours or less - you will forfeit your refund, but can switch reservation to a future tour date.
 If I cancel a tour for reasons not related to weather, newsworthy acts of God or other emergencies, you are entitled to your choice of a full refund, or a future tour.


  1. Well Darn! Every time I think I can arrange my schedule to come to NYC for one of our tours, something gets in the way. Then, when I am coming to NYC (8/28-9/2) you don't have any tours scheduled! Options? Can I purchase your 'secret map' or meet you for lunch - which would be fun - and I'll buy!

    ReAnn Scott

    1. Awwww!!!! You'll be here when I'm on vacation myself! I won't be in NYC then! We'll talk though, because there is someone else who may be able to help you out!

  2. So wish you guys were doing tours in August! Bummer but I'm definitely going to keep these in mind for the future- hopefully one day I'll be able to go!

  3. Do you have dates for 2014 yet? Planning to come o NY in the spring for fabric shopping.

    1. It hadn't occurred to me to think so far ahead! I would expect to plan some next year, too, but I've never considered my long term plan for these tours, since it will depend on my own availability. Even if I am not leading a tour during the time that you will be here, I am open to scheduling a private tour, and/or helping you plan your own stores while you're here.

  4. Hello,

    I was wondering are you going to be doing any of these tours in 2014?
    I missed last years and would love to go.


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