Monday, November 9, 2020

Let's talk...

 I've been interviewed by one of the greatest!  I don't have to say much here.

I suggest you go THERE...

Feel free to express thoughts in the comments, if you so desire.

Mask making missive



Want to buy a mask?

The cost is $25 per mask, shipping included.

Link below:

They are made like just the ones you see pictured, just a labor of love.  There are cheaper ones, and other styles/materials/kinds, and I take no offense if you prefer something else. Asking is free of charge! We'll discuss what colors/fabrics I have available, so you can choose what you'd like.

I've made lots of masks, gradually improving and rethinking over time. I now make double-stranded crocheted ear-loops for comfort. They are naturally elastic, and can be tightened by pulling through  grommets and tightening at the wearer's own comfort level.

I've made lots of them now.

For friends and family.

My awl and grommet press have gotten a workout.

To launder: I keep a glass mask bowl on the kitchen counter, and we drop our used mask in when we come in the door.  I boil water in the tea kettle, add a few drops of dish liquid and to submerge.  Later, when the water has cooled, I rinse and squeeze the masks, and hang to dry for the next use. Easier than always having to throw in the laundry.

People have asked about buying them, but I haven't felt feel comfortable charging friends and family for these. If I were to charge for the amount of labor and supplies these take, they would be on the expensive side.  So... here's what I'll do.  You have three choices you can make if you want to support my mask-making effort.

You can "support the cause" (simply contribute funds because you want to), buy a mask I've already made (because supplies are limited, and I may not always have the time or inclination to make them), or request a mask if you are a friend, associate, family or someone in need, and I will use the "support" funds to offset the cost. 

I've made a payment button for your request, and you can let me know if you are interested.

Which one?