Friday, May 11, 2012

To watch tonight...

The trailer speaks for itself...


  1. Thanks for this...I'm watching it now and it's fascinating!

  2. I'll look for it. I hope it goes into economic issues, including the lack of powerful unions. That would be far more interesting to me than a documentary about a piece of conceptual art.

    1. Well, it is am art show, truly, have you ever seen the documentary that was called "Schmatta" (I think). Now, that is what you would probably appreciate. All about the challenges of the garment industry.

    2. Forgive typos -darn iPhone...

  3. I wish I had seen this post in time to watch the show. I'll have to check my local PBS listings to see if it will be rebroadcast.

  4. I missed the show, but I have seen the work at the Museum of American Craft, and it's a very powerful piece!


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