Saturday, April 15, 2017

A Netflix delight...

I'm not in the business of promoting Netflix series, but this I do straight from the heart.  It requires both your visual and auditory attention, so you can't really watch while you work, but it is well worth it.  Trailer below:

Do you appreciate a good drama?

Beautiful cinematography?

A love story?


A war story?

A historical drama?

Beautiful clothes?

Unexpected sewing, designing, and dressmaking wisdom?

Imitations of Fortuny's technique, and inspirations from Schiaparelli?

If you have Netflix streaming, watch it.  If you don't speak Spanish, read the subtitles - I assure you it isn't tedious.  A really wonderful series.


  1. I watched the entirety of this show, online or from the library I don't remember. It was mesmerizing and the beautiful star is riveting. A wonderful series.

  2. I have watched ALL 17 episodes. Every one of them worth it!


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